Colleen offers a Soul Perspective on a number of topics, as soul quotations - for inspiration and reflection
Feel free to use these quotes - enjoy these favorite quotations!
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'People desire to separate their worlds into polarities of dark and light, ugly and beautiful, good and evil, right and wrong, inside and outside. Polarities serve us in our learning and growth, but as souls we are all. Not "either or" but, "and both!"'
"We live in an "And Both" reality"
"You are all things. Denying, rejecting, judging or hiding from any aspect of your total being creates pain and results in a lack of wholeness."
"What is the most effective way to hide an aspect of yourself? We wear a mask of its opposite, we hide ugliness with a mask of beauty, or beauty with a mask of ugliness. The mask serves to keep the outer world from unmasking the original wounds and aspects of self that we have disowned. Enlightenment and healing is the process by which we unmask our duality to reveal our unity with All that is."
"To manifest your hearts desires you must BE what your heart
"If your body holds any hidden fears or negative
feelings about your dreams you will find it hard to manifest.
Allow your soul to give your body what it needs for you to BE
all that you desire to be!"
"Your inner knowing is your only true compass"
"If every year is a marble, how many marbles do you have left? How many sunrises, how many opportunities to rise to the full stature of your being? Don't wait to be all that you were born to be! Be it now."
"Sometimes it is as simple as changing even one limiting belief. Sometimes all it takes to change a life is to decide which beliefs do not serve you and to literally change your mind about those beliefs. Choose beliefs that serve your soul - choose beliefs that serve the grander dream of who you choose to be."
"Don't let anything stand in the way of you claiming and manifesting the life that you choose (on purpose) rather than the life you have by default."
"Instead of focusing on that circumstances that you cannot change - focus strongly and powerfully on the circumstances that you can. Like finding a small crack in the wall that imprisons you, finding one realm of choice can be the tool that you need to pry the crack open and free yourself."
"Information can bring you choices and choices bring power - educate yourself about your options and choices. Never remain in the dark of ignorance."
"Dream and give yourself permission to envision a You that you choose to be."
"Ask yourself the question, 'If I could be anything in this world, and be guaranteed success, what would I be?' Then start being that today in the small ways that you are able. Pretend and imagine shopping like that person, breathing like that person, making decisions like that person. Then build a bridge from here to there with real actions and steps."
"You manifest based on who you are already - so you must own the identity of the dream in order to manifest it."
"Fear is your greatest obstacle - so question your fear. If it does not serve your greatest life then do not make it your master."
"The God that resides within you, that is life, wisdom and compassion gives you the power and gift of Freewill. Freewill means that the Universe never judges, never interferes with your own choices - and sees you as a being of equal creative power."
"Life is your canvas. As a soul, you choose your starting colours - which are your body, your human personality, your country and family of birth. Then you come into your life, with your paint brushes and colours ready to begin the artwork called your life. This is where most people get stuck. They hand their brushes and paints over to others and wonder later why the painting called their life, is not what they wanted it to be. Your life is not anyone else's fault or responsibility. Your life purpose is to hold your paintbrushes with joy and to paint a picture of life that is true to you - it can never be right or wrong, you can't fail at it."
"Your life is the opportunity for pure creative soul-expression and it is completely up to you to decide what it looks like."
"You are the God-being that is here to create life, to breathe soul into your body, to walk this world as your own source of power, love and life."
"Our outer experiences can seem to tell us that we are powerless, unworthy, unlovable, etc. This is a grand test for our souls; can we remember and keep the soul-truth - no matter what our lives seem to be telling us? The truth that we are powerful, worthy and love - no matter what!"
"This is an opportunity for you to decide who you are. To 're-create' who you want to be on the inside out."
"Pain pushes us to question everything. So question who it is that you want to be and what kind of life experience you want."
"You may not seem able to change some outer circumstances but you can start by changing your inner experience of life and yourself."
"God is not passive, God is the creative life force that is you at your deepest level of truth. Why block the god in you from demonstrating itself by creating a life of joy, fulfilment, and love? Take back your brushes and have the courage to paint your life, as you desire it to be."
After focusing on the mental level you focus on the SOUL level. For this you imagine that your body can sense and feel for the presence of your guides or for the mind of your soul in the air around you. Breathing in your soul or spiritual teacher connects you to that mind allowing soul to work through your body, emotions and body's mind. Feeling soul in your body, with your emotions and then opening and inner dialogue with soul is deeply healing and takes you to the ultimate level of intuition and knowing - the soul level.
Souls are intuitive already (capable of receiving knowing through feelings and connecting to other minds) - it is a matter of bringing this knowing into the physical body. This takes practise and yet is a very natural and easy process. The Soul Awareness processes are designed to train bodies to open to soul and expand all four levels of awareness. This takes people to the ultimata source of intuition, guidance and wisdom... their souls.
I teach this course because I know that even though this work is simple and sometimes subtle, it changes everything in a very real way. This is practical spirituality. This is you learning to look past the mirrors to find yourself as a Being of Light, awesome, knowledgeable and capable of discovering your own wisdom and truth. I don't only want to share what I have found during my 25 years of spiritual inquiry, I also want to show you how to get in touch with your own source of soul knowledge. Intuition is the key! Your soul has all the information you seek and intuition is the language of the soul.
- Did you know -
That your soul and body have separate agendas - though they merge to live a physical life as one! That your soul experiences what your body feels but that your body is mostly unaware of much of your soul experiences and knows! That your body can block and interfere with your ability to receive intuitive guidance and support from your soul. That your soul is pure and powerful, waiting to live the life it intended to live. That you will feel an emptiness inside you, the moment that you are out of alignment with your soul. That you are capable of bringing more soul into your body to change what it feels like to be alive.
What would it do to your life to learn to see through the eyes of your soul?
I designed this course to facilitate your direct access to your soul’s energy, wisdom and truth. Clients over the years, wanted to learn the tools that had developed my own intuition and so that is why I created these courses. To share the same powerful techniques and awesome experience of being able to directly access your own soul's wisdom.
This tape set comes with an illustrated workbook, interactive lessons and practical guided meditation processes to assist you to align and work with your soul for intuitive guidance. Once you have completed the course - you also have the four powerful guided meditations available on side B for your long term use!
Learn how to connect to your Soul for support and guidance. Release the wisdom of your authentic Self. Unveil the language of your Soul which is intuition. Begin communicating with the part of you that KNOWS!
The Soul Awareness and Intuition Course is the foundation to all of the Soul Awareness Work. Soul Awareness is literally about discovering yourself as a Being that is independent to the human body. Finding your true self is life changing - it changed mine!
The information and meditation processes that I give to you on this audio and workbook course, are exactly the same tools that took me to my own soul for the first time and continue to connect me on a daily basis for guidance and peace.
The processes are inspired by my loved friend and colleague, Jann Weiss. An American author and teacher who I had the privilege of working with.
Instructional, Interactive Lessons with Powerful Guided Meditations
The Soul Awareness & Intuition Audio Cassette tape set is both an individual course in Opening to Intuition as well as the first module in The Centre for Alternative Studies・6 month Soul Awareness Spiritual Development Correspondence Course.
This tape set comes with an illustrated workbook full of valuable information and practical exercises to assist you to contact and work with your soul for daily intuitive guidance and clarity. There is a part of you that knows why things happen. There is a part of you that knows why you were born. Learn to find that part of you, learn to listen more to the inner voices that guide you to finding the joy of who and why you are.
Interactive lessons on side A and powerful guided meditation processes on side B of each tape.
TAPE 1, SIDE 1: Seeing is Believing? The Quantum, nonphysical you Unlock the power of intention and potential. Quests and Questions. Opening to Intuition.
TAPE 1, SIDE 2: The opening to Intuition Guided Meditation Process.2. DEEPER SOUL AWARENESS:
TAPE 2, SIDE 1: Overcoming body resistance and learning to use your body’s innate knowing. Yes/No perception. Monitoring and overcoming the Fear that Inter-Fears with your intuition. Inner knowing.
TAPE 2, SIDE 2: The Yes/No Calibration and Treasure Integration Process.3. UNLIMITED SOUL AWARENESS:
TAPE 3, SIDE 1: Going the next step. Being in the dark. Many stations to tune in to. The dimensions of consciousness. Inner dialogue.
TAPE 3, SIDE 2: The Inner Dialogue Meditation Process. is a collection of articles, resources and thoughts related to the search and discovery of truth.
... A Soul perspective on Doubt.
Of all the obstacles to developing intuition
and connecting to soul - DOUBT has to be the greatest challenge of all.
We doubt our ...
Description: Offering a variety of spiritual and metaphysical articles,
products, courses, and workshops dedicated...