23 Myths of the Internet by Drake Raft
Myth: Silicon Valley and San Francisco are the best places to launch an Internet company.
Fact: With the ubiquity of the internet, the frontiers of innovation exist wherever
one pauses to think. Silicon Valley, with its ultra-high rents, hosting fees,
pseudo-tech pyramid schemes, and a press which publishes the words of imprudent
venture capitalists as gospel, may be the worst place to launch a business.
The frontier hath moved further West.
Myth: The Internet was born to support middle and upper level management, bankers, hypesters and venture capitalists.
Fact: The Internet supports the collaboration of rugged individuals. Myth: With
low barrier to entry, business on the Internet is primarily about marketing
and building brand. Fact: With low barriers to entry, business on the Internet
is primarily about a product's integrity.
Myth: The Internet gold rush has ended.
Fact: The true Internet gold rush is still dawning, with small, agile companies
triumphing in the midst of all the tumbling high-tech pyramid schemes.
Myth: As the Internet becomes less technology-oriented and more culturally-oriented,
those with humanities and business backgrounds shall have advantages over those
with technological backgrounds.
Fact: As the Internet intertwines technology, business, and the humanities,
without a firm grounding in technology, one can no longer fully understand business
nor the humanities.
Myth: The Open Source movement is about socialistically or communistically sharing source
code, with elite administrators and Wall Street bankers ultimately calling the shots.
Fact: The Open Source movement is about individuals following an aesthetic in
creating elegant software which works, wherein administrators must harbor the
deepest respect for individuality and freedom.
Myth: Most Internet companies fail because of "unfavorable market conditions."
Fact: Most Internet companies fail because of the lack of a business plans.
Myth: Banner ads and ecommerce cannot support a viable business model.
Fact: Companies with high quality content/employee ratios can be supported via
banner ads and ecommerce.
Myth: Entrepreneurialism can be taught in the halls of elite business schools.
Fact: Entreprenuerialsm is an instinct and an art, and one can not be trained
in it any other way but by doing it. Business schools would have more success
teaching creative writing, or instructing their students on how to be rock stars.
Myth: Money is the key factor in starting an Internet company.
Fact: An original, useful idea is the key factor in launching an Internet company.
Myth: First movers had the advantage when it came to building viable businesses on the Internet.
Fact: True originality can take its time, as long as the execution is brilliant.
Myth: The content worlds (publishing, music, etc.) shall be revolutionized by corporations
leveraging the Internet.
Fact: The world of content shall be revolutionized by individuals leveraging
the internet. The intrinsic beauty of the Internet is that a central bureaucracy
of middlemen has no practical function, and on the Net, the poetry must serve
the people rather than the traditional bureaucratic prejudices.
Myth: Venture capitalists and MBAs are primarily interested in building valuable, enduring
businesses which offer useful content, commerce, and community, and thus profits
aren't always important.
Fact: Venture Capitalists and MBAs are primarily interested making money, and
thus profits aren't always important, as long as the company is hyped and taken
public, and they unload their worthless shares on the duped public. Myth: Raising
venture capital makes one an entrepreneur. Fact: Raising venture capital makes
one a middleman.
Myth: It is easy to serve two masters, both the bottom line and the higher ideals. Fact:
It is difficult to do this, and it can only be done by serving the higher ideals
first. Myth: The years spanning 1995-2000 saw great innovations in information
Fact: The vast majority of revolutions in information technology intrinsic to
the Internet had already occurred prior to 1995. The only innovations after
1995 were in fundamental dishonesty and the marketing of high tech pyramid schemes
upon the Internet.
Myth: The main purpose of the industry trade magazines is to report on business innovations.
Fact: The main purpose of the trade magazines is to follow the money and hype,
independent of any connection it might have with business or reality. Thus they
followed the positive hype on the way up, and the negative hype on the way down.
Myth: Incubators encourage innovation and creativity by assembling tech people under the management of VCs and MBAs.
Fact: Incubators stifle innovation by assembling tech people under the management
of VCs and MBAs. Microsoft and Dell did it the right way.